Dirty Toothbrushes: What Harm Can They Cause?

You trust your toothbrush to keep your mouth healthy and free from harmful bacteria, but could it be doing more harm than good? The unfortunate truth is that toothbrushes can harbor dangerous microorganisms and other unpleasant things that can lead to long-term health problems. These nasty bacteria are usually picked up from countertops, toothbrush sharing, or even through the air. Taking proper care of your toothbrush can diminish these dangers and keep your smile—and your whole body—happy and healthy. [Read More]

Are Your Child's Adult Teeth Coming In Crooked? Get Their Teeth Examined

If your child is starting to lose their teeth and their adult teeth are coming in crooked, you want to have them examined by an orthodontist. These crooked teeth can cause problems for your child's oral health, and can inflict future problems with their smile. The orthodontist will look at the teeth, have X-rays completed, and they will determine what needs to be done to correct the issues. Here are a few reasons to consider orthodontic treatment right away. [Read More]

Dental Veneers – The Pros And Cons

If you have teeth that are misshapen, chipped, or extremely stained or discolored, one easy way to cover them and improve the quality of your smile is with dental veneers. Since veneers are not the only option available to give your teeth a white, uniform appearance, it is important to know the pros and cons of veneers before making a final decision to get them. Pros: Veneers are applied in just two visits to the dentist. [Read More]

Aspects That Differentiate Regular Implants From Mini Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial inserts made of titanium which are usually affixed into the jawbone to support a prosthetic bridge or tooth. With dental implants, you can replace any number of teeth, from one tooth to a full arch. They become a perfect solution to those who have difficulties speaking, eating or laughing due to bad or missing teeth. Once you let the dental implantologist know of your desire to have your confident smile back, he will present you with two types of implants: regular implants and mini dental implants. [Read More]