Ensure You Are Doing These Things To Keep Your Gums Healthy

Healthy gums are essential to ensuring that you have good oral health. Some people make the mistake of focusing on their teeth. They fail to realize that healthy gums are required to keep teeth in place. This is why some people with severe gum disease have teeth that end up falling out as the disease progresses. The following are a few things you can do to keep your gums as healthy as possible. [Read More]

What Should You Do After Realizing You Have a Cracked Tooth?

Panicking after realizing you, your spouse, or your child has just cracked a tooth is normal. Your mind may even start to race with thoughts about how this may have happened. Furthermore, it is also possible for you to crack your tooth without even realizing it, as not all cracks are visible to the naked eye. The question is—how do you know you have a cracked tooth, and when you do know, what happens next? [Read More]

Oral Cancer: How Regular Dental Checkups Could Save Your Life

Oral cancer is incredibly dangerous, with only 57% of those diagnosed with the condition living for more than five years past diagnosis. The earlier the cancer is caught, the greater your chance of survival, but unfortunately, a lot of cases are not detected until the cancer has progressed quite significantly. How can you protect yourself against oral cancer? Well, one important step is keeping up with checkups at the dentist. [Read More]

5 Ways To Whiten Your Teeth Without An Over-The-Counter Whitening Kit

There are ways to clean your teeth without using an over-the-counter whitening kit. Here are a few of them: Whitening Gum You can whiten your teeth just by chewing gum. Gum that has teeth-whitening power whitens the teeth by dissolving stains or polishing them away. Dissolving agents, such as malic acid, make dental stains easier to brush or rinse away. Additionally, polishing ingredients, such as baking soda, have a mildly abrasive texture that polishes away light staining from the tooth enamel. [Read More]